
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from the Reterniti Team! We will be closing for the break from 24 December 2024 and reopening 8 January 2025 – orders can still be placed but shipping kits will be sent in the new year.

How Your Pets Ashes Are Converted Into A Reterniti Stone

A world first patented process converts your loved ones ashes into a stone.


Reterniti uses a proprietary patent-pending process to convert your pets ashes or cremains into a single stone.

In some cases you may ask for two or more stones; we can do that.

We use all your pet’s ashes and add a little organic binder. The process takes time and skill and is conducted by a skilled artisan.

Each stone is individually hand-crafted. They are 100% your pets ashes and are kept separate from other pets ashes. Your pet’s ashes are carefully tracked and individually identified throughout the process.

The stone you receive will depend on your animal’s size; a cat often results in a small 200 to 250g stone, a little smaller than your computer’s mouse.

A medium-large dog, for example a labrador, will produce a stone 2 to 3 times larger. Larger dogs (eg a Great Mastiff) may produce a stone between 1.5kgs and 3.0kgs!

Each stone is packaged in a high-quality presentation box, placed upon an American ash wood display plinth and protected by Merino wool; then further protected by a tough outer shipper box for couriering.