The Curious Challenge Behind Creating an Invented Name – Reterniti
By Peter Russell, Founder
You may wonder where the name Reterniti came from.
Equally you may not care.
If you’re a marketer or business owner you may identify with the following story.
Ever tried to name something with originality?
Read on . . .
To our mind a good company name says what it does, or at the very least hints at it.
I have a personal distaste for acronyms of founder’s name. Fine perhaps for your local plumbing firm but hardly appropriate for a completely new, what-the-heck-is-that venture.
The name needed to be meaningful, relevant, original and not already nabbed by domain name squatters – Cybersquatters.

Cybersquatters are those who register any website domain name they can possibly dream up with the intent of selling it at inflated prices to those who really need them. It’s an interesting and largely depressing exercise trying to register a company domain.
Try it for giggles one night.
The sensible place to start from was ask ourselves why do we exist? What is our purpose? Reterniti is all about not being forgotten. Person or Pet – never forgotten.
There’s actually a scientific name for this – Athazagoraphobia. I still can’t pronounce that horror mouthful.
Athazagoraphobia is a phobia characterised as a fear of being forgotten, ignored or overlooked.
I think secretly many of us harbour such a fear, particularly as we age.
Maybe its related to existential ruminations had in the middle of the night.
Why are we here? What does it all mean? What mark do I leave on this world? Who will remember me?
Perhaps a psychoanalyst reading this might have a field day with me, but I decided to do something about it. I don’t particularly want to be consigned to obscurity, nor do I want my lovely pooches forgotten, or my Mum or my grandparents . . . none of them.
And I expect this sentiment is shared by the many of us.
I mean not many of us are going to have our surname emblazoned across a New York highrise, casino or even a humble street sign.

I decided to do something about it.
Something along the lines of returning and for eternity.
Not so much a physical returning, more a conceptual returning to our collective memories.
That was the nebulous cloud of an idea, slowly coalescing into shape.
Return for Eternity.
Two words or One?
I’m a marketer by profession. I’ve worked on brands all my life and as such I’ve noticed North Americans in particular like their single-word brand and company names. In the Southern Hemisphere we tend to go for two-word brand names. Exceptions abound of course.
Directionally I liked one word. More memorable. Possibly more unique too.
I needed to invent a name! Crikey! Invent an actual word or name. There’s a term for that too apparently – Neologism. I can pronounce that one.
Four choices eventually survived the whiteboard trial-by-eraser – Returnity, Reternity, Returniti and Reterniti
Returnity it seemed, is a recycling initiative.
Reternity is a German streetwear brand
And Mr Cybersquatter was sitting on Returniti.
Mercifully Reterniti was free and has since become ours!
One word. Kinda means what it sounds like. But a bit of a tongue twister if you rush at it.
I’ve heard Rentity (A rental entity? You’re welcome if you want it), Rent-entity, Rent-ernity, Return-entity.
Every possibly mangling permutation you can imagine.
Probably my fault of course, but there you have it, Reterniti, Return for Eternity.
We do what we say.
And we’re not to be confused with Reternity / Returnity / Returniti cybersquatting recycled Germans!
The best of luck with yours.